Saturday 27 March 2010

Churches very much together!

There was an Anglican, a Methodist, a Pentecostal and a Roman Catholic having dinner together.....sounds like the beginning of a joke doesn't it? Well there was fun and laughter last night as we had a farewell dinner at Father Kevin's but there was much, much more.
Duncan has been meeting regularly with the other ministers in Sowerby Bridge and these weekly prayer times have become a very precious part of his life and he will miss them when we are away. But we know that we will remain in the hearts and the prayers of this group of people, this group of friends. We have our differences but we have our God and our Lord Jesus Christ in common.
We had a lovely meal and, as Stephen said at one point, Jesus has indeed worked a miracle in all of our lives and He has enabled us to see and understand beyond our doctrinal differences; to see that the most important thing is that Christlikeness be formed in us. There was a Methodist,a Roman Catholic, two Anglicans and two Pentecostals around the dinner table and one God joining our fellowship in a very real and loving way.
Thank you for a lovely evening.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds similar to our Aglow International meeting last Thursday with ladies from several chuches in Dewsbury. Women of Dewsbury unite!!
    So pleased you were able to go to a similar event. We didn't have a meal but we prayed and praised together - It was great. Love Mum
