Tuesday 13 July 2010

Table Mountain Cafe and Gift Shop

Everything in here comes up the cable car: Kit-Kats, coffee, baked potatoes, muffins. In the gift shop: teeshirts, beany hats, Table Mountain wine and posters.

It occurs to me looking at the paper plates that everything goes back down the same way, too: waste paper, packaging, empty bottles, cans, people, gifts for people.


  1. Hi love all the photos can't quite make out what it is to Duncan's left, thought it was a flower, but it also looks like a pretend bird with its feet up!Philip has a funny story that happened today involving a sparrow-will email you.Love Phil and Ruth

  2. Lovely photo of Duncan - will save it love Mum/Pamxx

  3. Ruth - it's a chicken, there were lots of them decorating the place!
