Monday 19 July 2010

Big Bay!

We went for lunch at Big Bay today as the sun was shining and it was so hot. We sat and chatted and felt in the holiday mood as we watched the surfers and lazy people lying in the sun!
This is the life!


  1. Big Bay was just the beach and a car park in 2007 when Annie and I went to watch Hilton surf there. Went with Jenny this year and could not believe the difference. Must try the restaurants there.

  2. You've still got the braid!! Mine came out yesterday... or rather, I pulled it out. It started getting in my way as I brushed my hair:)

  3. Yep! Trying to preserve it to take it back yo UK! Though it is a pain when blow-drying!!!

  4. Time lazing in the sun sounds great, everyone deserves a rest now and again, surfing sounds too energetic to me! Love Mum/Pam xx
