Tuesday 20 July 2010

MBC Class of 2010

This is the great bunch of people we have spent our college days with and as you can see - they are a joy-filled bunch. From the outset they made us feel welcome and one of them and we have grown to love them all very much.
Tomorrow we attend our last 2 lectures as we have to pack and return the iburst to Canal Walk before we leave on Thursday so I thought I had better take the photos today, as my eyes may not be focusing too well through the tears tomorrow.
There are 10 photos on Facebook if you want to see more!
PS The one on the far right in stripes - Louis my surrogate son! Love you Louis!


  1. I'll say hello from yuo when I ma ther enext Friday (30th). Seems we are doing a swap.

  2. Yes we shall soon be welcoming you home.However home is where the heart is and all these people will continue to live in your hearts as you will always live in ours - wherever you are. Love Mum/Pam xx

  3. I think Graham is mixing Afrikaans with English here!
