Friday 16 July 2010

English Visitor!

Little Lisa Stones is in Cape Town! I know, according to Steve, her dad, that she is nearly 6 feet tall now, but she will always be 'Little Lisa Stones' to me!
I most remember her when we led the Youth Group at Dewsbury Church. On one production of Heaven's Gates Hell's Flames, one of the many times I was dragged off to Hell, screaming, for my unrepentant sinful life, Lisa would be waiting for me 'back stage'every night, to give me a hug.She never said anything, just hugged me as she realised how powerful the experience was for all those of us going 'down' and she had picked up how it made me feel. She was always a rock - never mind a Stone(s)!
Well, she is here for 3 weeks on a field trip with Uni. (Huddersfield was the furthest I went on University field trips!) and went up Table Mountain yesterday. Her e mail said how steep it was and how had we found it on our trip up on Monday! Mmmm, we found it pretty easy - in the Cable Car!!!
We will try to see her on Monday before she travels north on Tuesday and we fly home on Thursday!


  1. It would be interesting for you to get Lisa's perspective on Cape Town. If you don't see her there you could catch up with her when you return here. She obviously climbed up Table Mountain while you travelled 1st class! Love Mum/Pamxx

  2. I can't believe how quickly your time out there has gone....I put a rough note in my diary of your 3month anniversary!
    Well...I pray...that as Duncan is away, you have a fantastic time in the presence of God....and to kick it off I will send you verses from Song of Solomon 2...all of it but esp v 4, then 10-14. If you read it in the amplified all the better.
    Love you Mrs Curry x

  3. Love you too, Mrs Lindley! Thanks for these verses; have just got in from a wonderful day out wiTH Catherine, Helga and Dominique, culminating with tea and games at Chantal's. Will read now! See you soon. XX
