Tuesday 13 July 2010

On Table Mountain!

Which of the 272 photos do I put on the blog?
All the world at our feet.
As we ascended in the cable car, a Swiss design that actually revolves as you travel, the mist was covering the Cape Town side of the mountain; but as we wandered about in the clouds, they all cleared and brilliant sunshine allowed us to see forever.


  1. WOW. All I can say is what an awesome view, I would absolutely love it !! You will have to bring the photos back and put them in a book for all to see like back in the olden days.

  2. We will be boring you with THOUSANDS of photos when we see you, Janet, so be prepared! I'll cook you a meal to keep you going, though!

  3. Going up Table Mountain was one of the most thrilling times we've had. The views are incredible. i can still see Annie looking over Camp's Bay in her borrowed winter coat when i took her up there. First time i was alone but i got talking to people from all over the world in the restaurant

  4. What an amazing collection of views - I want to see them all too. Especially loved the one of both of you on the top - shall keep that one as well as one or two others. I think you are both very brave to go up there in that cable car that revolved I'm not that good on heights as you may know!Love Mum/Pamxx

  5. WOW! One day I will go up there again - the last time I went up I was three, and my dad carried me most of the way up, and I don't even remember any of it!
