Monday 19 July 2010

Sunday Lunch with the Louws

How many Afrikaans women does it take to make lunch?
We had another lovely meal with Louise, Jacqueline, Michelle, Daniel, Catherine, Helga, Jean-Pierre, Jean-Frey, JP and Jessie! 12 for lunch! No wonder there was so much activity in the kitchen!Jacqueline was in charge of puddings, Helga in charge of coffee and we did a lot of eating!
Notice the defensive posture of Duncan, as the dog just didn't want to "SIT!"
We then returned to an incredible evening service where Andre preached on living in the third dimension and I AM!
What a grand finale to our stay here.


  1. Looks like the dog is after Duncan's hat!

  2. I don't think it was his hat that Duncan was worrying about!!!!

  3. Dogs do have a way of trying to embarrass you, but he was probably only trying to be friendly?? Love Mum/Pamxx
