Thursday 14 October 2010


This is not a moan about the NHS, really it's not. I am full of admiration for the service, especially after living in a country that has no such service and where you can't just turn up and get treatment!
The problem with my arm continues to be very painful and I am awaiting a call from the physiotherapy department at the hospital. The problem is that I have been waiting for 8 weeks now and the pain is not getting any better, in fact the reverse and I can't remember the last time I had a full night's sleep as every time I move the pain wakes me! The other problem is that I don't think that manipulation is the answer as the ache/pain is pretty constant. So I phoned the doctor's to make an appointment to discuss this and was told that the first available appointment with any doctor was in 2 week's time, much longer if I wanted to see my own doctor!
So, I'll wait.
Looking on the bright side, I wonder if I can expect to be called to have my tonsils out soon - I was told I was put on the waiting list - when I was 10!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beverly am really sorry to hear about your delays in appointments -especially as you are in so much pain- has the Doc given you any painkillers that are really strong?? I suggest you go to the surgery if not AND ASK TO SEE SOMEONE NO MATTER WHO AND BE REALLY FIRM ABOUT IT- you really shouldn't have to suffer so much without some form of strong relief. Love Mum/Pamxxx
