Tuesday 5 October 2010

Look What We Found!

Look what we discovered in Hay on Wye yesterday! We were in The Poetry Bookshop and were really pleased to see they had a copy of this masterpiece!! Duncan was very shy about it, hence the secretive photography!!
Mark, your graphics and art work live on!


  1. Wow, a published author 'ey? You kept that one quiet! ;-)

  2. ...they paved Paradise and put up a parking lot...

    Thanks for commenting Lucy, I don't get much feed back now we aren't in Cape Town! Trades' Descriptions I suppose!!

  3. We shall keep our eyes open for your book on other shelves Duncan

  4. Wow a poet and we dont even know it! I trust we will be getting a copy in the post soon.
    C. Labuschagne
    11 nottinghill
    Parklands 7441
    South Africa
