Friday 22 October 2010

My Lovely New Pen!

Anyone who knows me will know that I have a passion for stationery and I particularly like pens - fountain pens, and I have quite a beautiful collection. I use them all, in rotation, and they each have different coloured ink - black, dark racing green, violet and Eclat de Saphir (or very BRIGHT blue to those non French speakers!)
So you can imagine my delight when Duncan came in with a present for me today! He had been to Harrogate on a trip that I should also have been on but was poorly and stayed in bed! My "Get Well" present snuggled up in it pretty tin immediately made me feel a bit better.
Now, I wonder who would really appreciate a letter written with my beautiful, new pen????


  1. You could always write to me!!!??? Love Pam/Mumxx

  2. Hello Mrs CurryHouseZa! personally i don't like ink pens. When ever i try to use one the page ends up looking like a spidersweb. Nice to own one. But not to use!!

  3. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer
    I recite my compositions
    My heart is overflowing

    Wonder no longer who would appreciate a letter written with your pink! pen

  4. Ah Catherine my lovely friend. As soon as we return from Birmingham I shall write you the best of pink-pen letters! With much much love to you from us both XXX
