Monday 16 May 2011

Sorry To See You Go!

I've been having a bit of an "Unsubscribe fest" and it feels gooooooooooooood! I don't know where they come from but I am very tired of seeing that I have 47 new e mails in my in-box, only to find that only a couple of them are actually of any interest to me! So farewell Animal Bargains and Age Stop, no longer will I have to face the temptation of bargain sacks of doggy treats or the new, miraculous technology that will make me look and act like a teenage Madonna. Farewell cheap deals on romantic getaways and bargain flights to the back of beyond! I don't want to change my mortgage, I don't want to meet my perfect mate and I don't want to purchase viagra!!! Clicking the 'unsubscribe' button is so satisfying and I feel not a jot of remorse when they are all so sorry to see me go!! Ha!


  1. And Bye bye Silver Surfer! "Sail on Silver Girl, sail on by......................" Bye bye Argos, I never wanted you in the first place, No Take Out be gone!

  2. I too need to de-clutter - it just builds up and up- Jesus said "If you have faith as large as a mustard seed you can say to the mountain - "Move"
    and it will move. I rather think it will be one piece at a time here!!!
