Thursday 5 May 2011


What a delightful place! I highly recommend to you The Crown Coffee House in Halifax town centre. Until yesterday I'd never heard of it, didn't know it existed but now I can't wait to go again.
Lucy treated me to lunch for my birthday and we went yesterday. The cafe is on three floors and we were right at the top. The menu is extensive and everything is hand made on the premises and is gorgeous! Well the coronation chicken sandwich was! The dilemma of the puds came next but I settled on almond and cherry pie with custard! Mmm. 
The food is excellent and reasonably priced but the real reason to visit is to experience the staff! It is a real 'olde worlde' tea shop in a sense and the staff are the real delight - especially the lady who waited on us. She's going on holiday trying to cut down on the wine...likes fruit drinks but not the really carroty carrot juices...has had all on moving things about for decorating...recommends the hot beef sandwiches...the men like those...particularly the suited businessmen...and so on. I feel I know this woman so well now! When I was choosing my pud I jumped for the almond and cherry but Lucy wanted to hear the rest of the list...all described in full detail...and when I heard 'Toffee and walnut tart' I wavered but our waitress was having none of it...'No, you stick to the almond and cherry, with custard, you'll like that. And you can always have a taste of hers!' Such a character. 
We had a lovely lunch, then back to Lucy's for a worship time before Duncan joined us after work to drive me home.
The day had also been an adventure for me as I went into Halifax on the bus! I realise just how dependent I become on the car. It was a real adventure, though I thought it was very expensive at two pounds forty one way! 
Thank you, Lucy for a lovely lunch and for introducing me to The Crown Coffee House. Ladies who lunch must lunch there again...soon!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds delightful - How about it on Sundays? to take visitors too? Or is the space limited?
