Tuesday 3 May 2011

In the Wee Small Hours...

Up at 3am again! I know I am blessed to be able to catch up on missed sleep tomorrow but I am heartily sick of being woken up in the middle of the night - and I am sure Duncan is too! In fact he is getting so used to it that he was awake before I was tonight! He's sleeping again now but these broken nights are not good, especially now he is back at work tomorrow...or should I say today?!
The problem is still with my sciatic nerve which is being pinched or trapped by bulging discs in my back. The discs seem to bulge when I have been lying down for any length of time and then all I have to do is turn over and wham, pain as the nerve is trapped! Once I am up and about and the pain killers have kicked in I'm OK but then I have the dilemma of not wanting to disturb Duncan again! So it's now 4.05 am and I'm blogging! 
Looking at yesterday's stats was very interesting - did over 40 people really 'hit' this blog yesterday? Wow! And there have been some hits today so I am joined, albeit fleetingly, by more insomniacs!
So daily routines start again tomorrow. Schools are back in for the final thrust, the Summer term; the 'last chance to get ready for these GCSEs' bash. Do I miss it? No, I can honestly say that I am very happy and content being retired. As the small of fresh bread baking wafted through the kitchen and a home made chicken and mushroom pie cooked in the oven last night, I was struck by how happy I am with my life. 
Church is fantastic and I feel that for the first time since I became a Christian I am where I should be and everything is 'real'! We are scheduled to sign the lease for the church building this week and so expect to be in there in a couple of weeks. Exciting times.
I will be marking exam papers in a few weeks, and have a weekend in Cardiff coming up at an examiners' conference so that will be a reminder of how things used to be, as well as helping out with the finances! When I was teaching there were many wonderful times and I am delighted to be in touch (on facebook) with ex pupils from all of the schools I taught in, right back to Colne Valley High School where I began my teaching career all those years ago! But I am so pleased not to be getting up to go in tomorrow, to start the uphill climb of another term! Teaching was very different when I joined the profession. Better in almost every way I think! I didn't want to become the dinosaur who sat in the staffroom and bemoaned how things used to be so I made a timely and fortuitous exit!
So despite the trapped nerve and the 3am wake up call I am very happy! Apostle Paul tells us that he learnt to be content in all things and I think I am learning that too,and to 'not let my heart be troubled'!
So a long and rambling blog which has kept me occupied as the minutes tick by into the start of another day! And my feelings of frustration at being woken up and having to get up at such an unsociable hour have melted away!
This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about your wakeful night Beverly. Hope you manage a good sleep tonight. I know how you feel about school but am glad you are able to keep in touch with some of your former students.It is the youngsters you miss - not the school , when you retire. Still as long as you live you will keep good memories of some of them.
