Monday 23 May 2011

Big Girls Having Fun!

The Big Girls' Tea Party was a great success on Saturday. Wrenthorpe Mission was filled with ladies of all shapes, sizes, ages and backgrounds and we had a great time and many laughs.
The cake table was groaning beneath the weight of scones, cream sponges, biscuits, cup cakes and muffins the size of a small sub-continent!
The quiz on chocolate went down well - and very speedily! Boy do those girls know their chocolate - and can sing any theme tune on demand!
We took part in a silent, and then not-so-silent auction which all added to the fund raising for Worship Academy.
There were more serious moments - we heard a very moving testimony from Karen, who then sang a song she had written and we watched a dramatic dance which ended with single roses being given to some of the ladies. Beautiful moments.
The highlight for me was seeing nearly all of the ladies up on their feet (some feet in plaster casts!) and joining in the Abba sing along! We were all Dancing Queens for half an hour and it did do us good!
Thanks to Rachael Lindley for following the vision! To Jonathan Lindley for following Rachael on Saturday to make sure everything was smooth and almost seamless!
Until the next time...

1 comment:

  1. It was a great time seeing everyone enjoying it all and meeting up with old friends and meeting different people. Well Done everyone who worked so hard to make it all happen - Love Pamxx
