Monday 2 May 2011

All Good Things....

What an incredible time we have had this Easter.
The weather has been glorious and as the holidays draw to a close I feel bound to write a blog to recognise this fact; we have been truly blessed by sunshine and blue skies throughout this holiday!
Back to it tomorrow (well not for us retired ones, obviously!) and it is sad. But we have another store of good memories to reflect on, culminating in an absolutely fabulous day yesterday - church at ours with three new members, then a BBQ in the sunshine, eating and chatting with friends late into the afternoon and evening. Clear blue skies throughout and sun, sun, sun. And a great future to look forward to! We must enjoy every day on the way though!
I have hundreds of photos and will write a blog for more of our holiday times, but just wanted to do a quickie to show gratitude for such a lovely holiday, to the provider of the glorious weather! (And to get rid of Derren Brown - have seen quite enough of him, thank you very much!)


  1. Yes it was a marvellous day yesterday - thank You Lord for the sun, the company and the promise of great things to come :-)

  2. We echo all of this - love Pam xxx
