Wednesday 9 March 2011

Preparing for the Great Book Giveaway!

There was quite a bit of organising once the books the had arrived and I dread to think of the logistical nightmare it must have been to allocate one million books around the country.
Each book has its own unique reference number, so that once read, if the book is passed on and logged on to the Book Night site, as explained in the back cover, then each book can be tracked. So each of my 48 books has its number and point of giving in the back. Exciting!
It was wonderful to be a part of it all.
I wonder if there will be coverage in the Examiner and Courier as was suggested?

1 comment:

  1. I'm really enjoying the Nigel Slater book - all my friends will have to take it turns when I've finished it. Thankyou for all your hard work making this give away possible.
