Tuesday 15 March 2011

Collecting the Chairs!

These are our new church chairs!
It's a bit of a long story but well worth the telling!
We are sorting out a building for our Sunday Services now that Harvester Reformational Church Halifax is established and we need chairs so I had a look on E Bay last Tuesday evening and found these - "19 chairs, very good condition, £50. Buyer collects - from Llandudno!"
Now Duncan and I are not very accomplished E Bay buyers but we know someone who is!
My sister, Chris and particularly her husband, Phil, are excellent E Bay buyers so we contacted them and asked them if they would do the bidding for us. Bidding closed at 6.30pm on Thursday. There was one bid of £50 and he looked like a dealer. The only slight problem is that Chris and Phil live in Turkey but actually, apart from the 2 hours time difference there was no problem.
We were in the middle of our meeting at King Cross Library on Thursday when I got a text to say that Chris and Phil had "won" the chairs for £125 and it had been a 'real nail-biter' in the closing minutes!
So we arranged to collect the chairs from Llandudno; from a very nice lady at The Stratford House Hotel! Pete and Duncan went to collect them and could take no passengers as the back seat was removed as well as taking the trailer attached for the job.
It was a beautiful day yesterday and off they went at 10am having their priorities firmly etched in their minds:
First stop - lunch - of course! I don't know how they managed the GIANT haddock. They were the size of a whale or do I mean Wales as they were in Llandudno?!

(Even more surprising was the amount of tea Duncan put away later on!)

Then, fully replete they found the hotel and knew they were in the right place as all the chairs were stacked in the hallway waiting for them.
So the jig sawing into the trailer and car began:
They all fitted, though it was touch and go with the last one!
When they arrived they were told that there were an extra couple thrown in for free!
So they returned and dropped 20 of the chairs in storage and brought a sample one on for me to see at Lucy's where we were having a worship time as we do every Monday.
I think the neighbours were a little bemused at a small crowd of people excitedly taking it in turns to sit on the chair on the pavement outside Lucy's house!
They are lovely!
Comfortable, quite light and in excellent condition and such a bargain working out at not much more that £5 each!
But there is even better news!
When I was discussing the Pay Pal procedure with my sister, to arrange for us to pay what we owed her she said that Phil had said he wanted to give them to the church to help us as we were starting out on this new, big venture; they wanted to be a part of it!

Incredible. We were overwhelmed by their kindness! We have assured them that as they have blessed this work of God's in this way, God will bless them as that's His way! 
So thank you everyone for your part in this chair drama! We are so excited as we see 21 seats that will have people on them in the very near future! As my sister said when I told her we would be announcing their gift to the church (very small church at present!) on Sunday, her reply we ...."from little acorns.....!"

Watch this space. Or should I say, watch these chairs...as God fills them!


  1. Great pictures Beverly - we are sure that God will fill them and we shall enjoy using them - very comfortable - thanks for sending me one to try too. God certainly is blessing our Church - THANK YOU FATHER!

  2. Three chairs for all concerned! I bet Peter & Duncan were so exhausted after all that work that all they could say was "Pew!" At least the chairs were stacked neatly in the trailer rather than just being throne there. Your sister & hubby's generous gift will cushion the (financial) blow a little... (Bet you can't guess who typed this rubbish?)

  3. Lovely story and pics - it was so funny how excited we were all getting about a few chairs, but so we should, because God has big plans for them :-)

  4. Hello Chris! Butt with some Lucy input? (Double t is on purpose!)

  5. Duncan says Aisle be seeing you soon for coffee!

  6. Wonderful story and testimony:)
    Looking forward to feeling it's comfort for myself!! Not too much longer now:)

  7. That’s very nice of you. :) Though they are not the traditional wooden chairs or pews, they are comfortable, at the very least. And I believe the seating update is one aspect where a church can easily keep up, as far as modernization is concerned. It would be nice to see how they work with your church’s design.

    -->Earnestine Kettering
