Friday 4 March 2011

I'm A Celebrity....Get Me INTO Here!

I was photographed at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary yesterday so that the World Book Night Give Away could be a positive piece of news in the NHS News magazine. I expected it to be in an office somewhere but not a bit of it...oh no, in the middle of the busy waiting area under the fairly curious scrutiny of patients, visitors and staff as they waited, ate sandwiches, read newspapers and enjoyed the 'entertainment' of me posing nervously beside the stack of copies of toast! Nervous on two counts - being the target of the 'Paparazzi' (well 3 cameras flashing away!) and also nervous as I expected the pile of books to fall at any moment as they were none too stable!
So the big day is tomorrow and we are going to distribute this fantastic book on the wards to staff and patients, in a bid to get a book into the hands of the people and get the nation reading. I have to add a unique reference number into the back of each copy so that the million books that are being given away can be tracked! How exciting is that?!
And this morning I received two book plates signed by the man himself - my hero of the kitchen (male! Nigella and Lorraine Pascal vying for first place in the female category!) Nigel Slater ! He has personally signed these book plates and I am so chuffed! The only problem is...obviously one goes in a copy of Toast but which of my collection of Nigel's recipe books gets the other one? Decisions, decisions!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely Photo Beverly - hope all goes well with the distribution tomorrow - love Pamxxx
