Wednesday 30 March 2011

A Host of Golden Kindnesses!

This is the view from our back bedroom window. It's actually a sitting room, our prayer room and it looks out on the sloping garden of Dennis and his wife, in the 'big house' behind our terrace. It is the view through the window, hence the reflected glare!
We don't have a back garden, we have a wall! I sometimes feel like Shirley Valentine when I'm at the sink! Some of our more artistic friends and relatives have suggested we paint the stones - a beach scene or a garden or even simply to colour the stones in some way; but I kind of like the wall as it is - dry stones held together with their mutual strength and support!
We see the daffodils through the bathroom window too, albeit in a frosted kind of way, but nevertheless, a colourful scene through the window that greets us every morning at this time of year.

And, lastly, on the ground floor, this is the view from our kitchen!

Now you see the wall in all its glory! When we moved in the top of the wall was a mass of ferns, brambles and weeds which took what little natural light we had in the kitchen. It was May and the foliage had gone mad. Duncan spent a few hours clearing it to allow more light into the kitchen. It wasn't until the following Spring that we saw a few green shoots peeping through. These shoots grew to be daffodils and every year we have more and more. Dennis had planted them without our knowing! He saw the cleared ground and created a beautiful surprise for us the following Spring without saying a word! 
Every year we are reminded of his act of kindness. When we thanked him and his wife he acted as if it really were nothing; but is is! It's a huge act of care for neighbours he hardly knew!
So thank you, Dennis and may your act of selfless kindness encourage others to copy you!

1 comment:

  1. It is often little acts of kindness like this that mean the most and as in your case leave a lasting expression. love Pam xx
