Wednesday 30 March 2011

A Host of Golden Kindnesses!

This is the view from our back bedroom window. It's actually a sitting room, our prayer room and it looks out on the sloping garden of Dennis and his wife, in the 'big house' behind our terrace. It is the view through the window, hence the reflected glare!
We don't have a back garden, we have a wall! I sometimes feel like Shirley Valentine when I'm at the sink! Some of our more artistic friends and relatives have suggested we paint the stones - a beach scene or a garden or even simply to colour the stones in some way; but I kind of like the wall as it is - dry stones held together with their mutual strength and support!
We see the daffodils through the bathroom window too, albeit in a frosted kind of way, but nevertheless, a colourful scene through the window that greets us every morning at this time of year.

And, lastly, on the ground floor, this is the view from our kitchen!

Now you see the wall in all its glory! When we moved in the top of the wall was a mass of ferns, brambles and weeds which took what little natural light we had in the kitchen. It was May and the foliage had gone mad. Duncan spent a few hours clearing it to allow more light into the kitchen. It wasn't until the following Spring that we saw a few green shoots peeping through. These shoots grew to be daffodils and every year we have more and more. Dennis had planted them without our knowing! He saw the cleared ground and created a beautiful surprise for us the following Spring without saying a word! 
Every year we are reminded of his act of kindness. When we thanked him and his wife he acted as if it really were nothing; but is is! It's a huge act of care for neighbours he hardly knew!
So thank you, Dennis and may your act of selfless kindness encourage others to copy you!

Saturday 26 March 2011

Come and Join Us!

Ministry Begins!

Just a reminder that Apostle Jan and Prophet Chantal will be with us next weekend and you are very welcome to join us. They arrived in the UK last week and are spending time in Birmingham with the Harvester Reformational Church there before they come north.
Meetings are Friday April 1st 7.30pm at Blackley Baptist Centre and Saturday 2nd April 9.30am at Norwood Green Village Hall and Sunday 10.30am for our Sunday service. 
Don't miss this opportunity!

This is their account of last night's meeting published on Face book this morning:

Had an awesome time in prayer last night!! God is truly building His church and the gates of hell will not prevail. An accurate church is God's solution to a broken and desperate society. Reform the church to reform the land! This move of the spirit is transmitting and resonating a soft yet powerful sound in the earth, drawing all men unto Christ. Our words, supported by accurate lifestyles, is revealing the Christ in and amongst us everywhere we go. Ap Jan + Team

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Getting Ready!

It was a hive of activity once we got into the Village Hall at Norwood Green yesterday afternoon. We had arranged to be there at 3.30pm in order to check things out - sound, microphones, acoustics etc. etc. And we got on very well - once we got in.
We had arranged with 'B' to go at 3.30pm as there was a tea/coffee group in until then and we could go in and stay when they left. We were late!
Pam and Pete arrived in plenty of time - as they always do but unfortunately did not know what had been arranged, so sat outside in the car watching the tea/coffee group vacate the premises and lock up, leave and walk away down the road, disappearing  minutes before we arrived.
As we pondered what to do 'B' drove past in her car on her way to an appointment and late herself so she did not want delaying.
"Can we get a key from anyone else?"
"'D' at the white bungalow down the hill has one. Bye!"
So down the road we walked to find TWO white bungalows nestling side by side. Duncan went to one and I went to the other.
No one in at Duncan's but 'D' answered the door to me and said:
"Oh I've just given it to 'M'. She lives at number 13 up the road.I'll give her a ring and tell her to look out for you."
Up the road to the next road on the right. Walk along and discover there is no number 13!

I ask a neighbour:
"Does 'M' live round here?"
"Oh yes, at that house there."
"Thank you."
Up the path, striding over an enormous cat and thinking how pleased I am that it isn't a dog, knock on the door.
"Oh she's not in," calls another neighbour. "She's gone for a walk."
Now what?
Getting back to the hall we see 'D' approaching. Realising that 'M' isn't answering her phone so must be out, she gives us a slip of paper with two more contact numbers to try to locate a key.
Duncan rings 'L' and explains our predicament.
'L' comes over and lets us in!

Just getting going when there is a man at the door:
"Hello, I've come to read your gas meter!"
Can we find the gas meter?
Can we bubbles!
So another phone call to 'L' is made and she directs us and we direct him to the meter which is read and he leaves us to it!

We then had a good worship time and we were very pleased with the sound and the space is lovely!
We are very grateful for all the help we received from B,D, M and L and are looking forward to Jan and Chantal being with us next time we are in Norwood Green Village Hall. 
That will be Saturday April 2nd from 9.30am and Sunday April 3rd from 10am. You are very welcome to join us. Also for the beginning of the Conference on Friday April 1st at Blackley Baptist Centre from 7.30pm.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Collecting the Chairs!

These are our new church chairs!
It's a bit of a long story but well worth the telling!
We are sorting out a building for our Sunday Services now that Harvester Reformational Church Halifax is established and we need chairs so I had a look on E Bay last Tuesday evening and found these - "19 chairs, very good condition, £50. Buyer collects - from Llandudno!"
Now Duncan and I are not very accomplished E Bay buyers but we know someone who is!
My sister, Chris and particularly her husband, Phil, are excellent E Bay buyers so we contacted them and asked them if they would do the bidding for us. Bidding closed at 6.30pm on Thursday. There was one bid of £50 and he looked like a dealer. The only slight problem is that Chris and Phil live in Turkey but actually, apart from the 2 hours time difference there was no problem.
We were in the middle of our meeting at King Cross Library on Thursday when I got a text to say that Chris and Phil had "won" the chairs for £125 and it had been a 'real nail-biter' in the closing minutes!
So we arranged to collect the chairs from Llandudno; from a very nice lady at The Stratford House Hotel! Pete and Duncan went to collect them and could take no passengers as the back seat was removed as well as taking the trailer attached for the job.
It was a beautiful day yesterday and off they went at 10am having their priorities firmly etched in their minds:
First stop - lunch - of course! I don't know how they managed the GIANT haddock. They were the size of a whale or do I mean Wales as they were in Llandudno?!

(Even more surprising was the amount of tea Duncan put away later on!)

Then, fully replete they found the hotel and knew they were in the right place as all the chairs were stacked in the hallway waiting for them.
So the jig sawing into the trailer and car began:
They all fitted, though it was touch and go with the last one!
When they arrived they were told that there were an extra couple thrown in for free!
So they returned and dropped 20 of the chairs in storage and brought a sample one on for me to see at Lucy's where we were having a worship time as we do every Monday.
I think the neighbours were a little bemused at a small crowd of people excitedly taking it in turns to sit on the chair on the pavement outside Lucy's house!
They are lovely!
Comfortable, quite light and in excellent condition and such a bargain working out at not much more that £5 each!
But there is even better news!
When I was discussing the Pay Pal procedure with my sister, to arrange for us to pay what we owed her she said that Phil had said he wanted to give them to the church to help us as we were starting out on this new, big venture; they wanted to be a part of it!

Incredible. We were overwhelmed by their kindness! We have assured them that as they have blessed this work of God's in this way, God will bless them as that's His way! 
So thank you everyone for your part in this chair drama! We are so excited as we see 21 seats that will have people on them in the very near future! As my sister said when I told her we would be announcing their gift to the church (very small church at present!) on Sunday, her reply we ...."from little acorns.....!"

Watch this space. Or should I say, watch these God fills them!

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Preparing for the Great Book Giveaway!

There was quite a bit of organising once the books the had arrived and I dread to think of the logistical nightmare it must have been to allocate one million books around the country.
Each book has its own unique reference number, so that once read, if the book is passed on and logged on to the Book Night site, as explained in the back cover, then each book can be tracked. So each of my 48 books has its number and point of giving in the back. Exciting!
It was wonderful to be a part of it all.
I wonder if there will be coverage in the Examiner and Courier as was suggested?

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Exciting Meetings Planned - Do Join Us!

Visit of Jan and Chantal Oosthuizen
April 1st-4th 2011 

Friday April 1st  
Blackley Baptist Church Centre : 7.30pm - 10pm
HX5 0TD   

( )

Saturday April 2nd 
Norwood Green Village Hall: 9.30am - 1.30pm
HX3 8QT 


Sunday April 3rd
Norwood Green Village Hall: 10.30am - 1.00pm

 Apostle Jan and Prophet Chantal are visiting the UK in March/April and are willing to visit us and minister in what ever way they can into our church.
We have met this wonderful couple on several occasions in South Africa and are so excited to be able to host them here in Yorkshire. We can't encourage you enough to make a date to come and spend some time with them and benefit from their powerful ministries.
They oversee and pastor three churches in Olifantsriviervallei, two of which we had the privilege of visiting during our three month stay in Cape Town. Citrusdal is a beautiful place and we were made very welcome there when Duncan ministered there and also in Clan William which is a bit further up the valley. 

 Do come and be with us if you possibly can!

Sunday 6 March 2011

Toast to HRI!

We distributed the 48 copies of "Toast" to the staff, patients and some visitors in the hospital yesterday and we were very well received.
We began on the enquiry desk, then on to the shop before going on to a couple of wards. A doctor going down the stairs was accosted with the question:"Would you like a free book?" and was pleased to accept one and a lot of nurses were also very pleased to take a copy off our hands.Patients and visitors were left smiling and in one case I apologised to a man in his bed as he seemed to have lost his visitor as she was deep in her copy as we left the ward!
A thoroughly enjoyable experience and we look forward to being able to track the travels of the copies we have given out, as each of the million books has its own unique identifying number written in the back.
A mammoth task; a mammoth occasion and an absolute success. Well done World Book Night organisers. Look forward to next year!

Friday 4 March 2011

I'm A Celebrity....Get Me INTO Here!

I was photographed at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary yesterday so that the World Book Night Give Away could be a positive piece of news in the NHS News magazine. I expected it to be in an office somewhere but not a bit of it...oh no, in the middle of the busy waiting area under the fairly curious scrutiny of patients, visitors and staff as they waited, ate sandwiches, read newspapers and enjoyed the 'entertainment' of me posing nervously beside the stack of copies of toast! Nervous on two counts - being the target of the 'Paparazzi' (well 3 cameras flashing away!) and also nervous as I expected the pile of books to fall at any moment as they were none too stable!
So the big day is tomorrow and we are going to distribute this fantastic book on the wards to staff and patients, in a bid to get a book into the hands of the people and get the nation reading. I have to add a unique reference number into the back of each copy so that the million books that are being given away can be tracked! How exciting is that?!
And this morning I received two book plates signed by the man himself - my hero of the kitchen (male! Nigella and Lorraine Pascal vying for first place in the female category!) Nigel Slater ! He has personally signed these book plates and I am so chuffed! The only problem is...obviously one goes in a copy of Toast but which of my collection of Nigel's recipe books gets the other one? Decisions, decisions!

Tuesday 1 March 2011

First Day!

Well, I've just waved Duncan off - his first day at school again! Bags bulging with lap top, books, resources, high lighter pens, sandwiches, tea bags, mug, AQA anthology.....all the necessary requirements of a teacher.
It's been a long year. In fact, it's been more than a year since Duncan was "employed". So it is with relief that we now have a source of income to pay the mortgage and still have the time to build the church - Harvester Reformational Church Halifax - blog link below. This will be his 'tent making'.
The teaching job was so incredibly God's provision and isn't Duncan's first calling as he has been called by God to "Reform, reform, reform", but he is a teacher of great talent and skill and God will use him in this school I have no doubt. He will be brilliant and that's not just the biased opinion of the wife who loves him, but a fact.
Yesterday he went in to school to go through the resources and was received by the pupils with warmth and affection; he will soon be a part of the furniture I'm sure. And his lessons...they'll rock! No boring fodder from my husband, no! He has all sorts of little bits and bobs to stimulate them and keep their interest. He prepared it all last night but even as he was walking out of the door he thought of a Simon Armitage poem that he could just toss into the lesson for the fun of it!
Simon Armitage - did I ever tell you that I taught Simon Armitage? Yep, taught him all he knows!!!