Monday 2 January 2012

Happy New Year! Cape Town at Currys!

We joined with Birmingham Harvester Church for New Year's Eve this year. We are the only Harvester Churches in the UK and we are very excited at how God is moving and teaching us how He wants to reform His church in these days. 

So, seven members of the Birmingham church travelled up and arrived just after 6pm on Saturday. We shared food and had a good catch up. Werner, a member of the Cape Town Harvester Church is over here for 2 weeks to see Katie and our country in that order! 
The Glow Sticks I'd purchased were fantastic and we were amazed at the inventiveness everyone displayed and we were soon covered with 100 glow sticks between us, all merrily glowing away in the dark!
Our proceedings got off to a wonderful start when Werner announced that he had asked Katie to marry him and that she had accepted! 
So we started our evening on a high note indeed. Here they are performing a rap for us later in the evening!

Our church building is small so we were located in another unit in the business park for our meetings so we walked over, glowing all over with our glow sticks, and began the evening with a 'cabaret' time where we each did a 'turn' to entertain the rest. Songs, poems, both serious and funny, a story from Werner, a rap...but the grand finale was Annie, Mary and Dinah performing "The opening round of the 2012 synchronised swimming competition!" Hilarious! I have never seen a dark blue table cloth and a couple of clothes pegs put to such good use before!

So, as midnight approached we were in the middle of a wonderful worship time and it was so right and fitting that we journey into 2012 in silence. No Big Ben, no Aulde Lang Syne, no  hysteria...just quiet...our own thoughts, our own prayers just for a few precious moments. It was wonderful; so complete. The old has gone, the new is here.
We wished each other 'Happy New Year' and then set about preparing the Chinese Lanterns for launch...forgetting about the howling gale outside!
So, many spent matches and torn lanterns later, we gave up and came inside. It had been fun sussing them out and we will know what to do next time! When it isn't blowing a gale!


  1. Sounds likke a great beginning to a brand new year. I wonder what God has in store for us all?

  2. It just keeps getting better and better - Praise the Lord!

  3. It was wonderful to see the New Year in with our extended church family - the two churches just moulded together into one unit and worked, laughed, learned and worshipped together so easily, I have never known anything quite like it!
