Saturday 14 January 2012

Ignorance is Bliss?

This weather is lovely at the moment! Cold and crisp and bright in the daytime and clear skies at night where we can gaze and appreciate the wonder of the planet and our minuteness in the face of it all! Duncan often disappears to the end of the terrace and stares for ages when we have the sort of clear nights we are having at the moment! He'll go out with the rubbish to the bin and disappear until he has a crick in his neck!
Wonderful! So I was dismayed to see an article on the news last night about all the detritus that is going around our planet in space. Rubbish that's been spinning around for years - since man began exploring outer space. Furthermore, a damaged piece of Russian junk is on its way back to earth and will 'most likely crash into the Indian Ocean' on impact! Not very comforting news!
Mankind does have such an ability to spoil stuff, due to negligence, carelessness or just plain ignorance. Litter dropping has always been something that pushes my buttons. There is simply no need as we have so many bins we can always find one but too often I see people mindlessly unwrapping their cigs/sweets/crisps and just dropping the wrapper without a second thought. I remember sitting in the car with someone and we were at a red light when the driver of the car in front wound down his window and tossed out the outer wrappings of a cigarette packet onto the road. Without a second thought, my driver jumped out of the car, ran to the car in front and tapped on the driver's window. A startled driver wound down his window and asked what he wanted and was presented with his litter with a "You dropped this" and then the lights changed and everyone drove off! I was, and still am impressed at such quick thinking.
We live in a beautiful part of the country which is very well provided for with tips and refuse and recycling plants so there really is no need for folk to dump their old settees and mattresses in the middle of beautiful countryside.
I am also impressed to learn that one of my Facebook 'friends' regularly goes out litter picking in her neighbourhood! Well done, Barbara, you are an inspiration.
So we can all do something about keeping our earth litter free but what of the situation in space? In this case I do believe that perhaps ignorance is bliss.

1 comment:

  1. Yes there do seem to be so many people intent on ruining the beauty of our world. I wonder what their homes are like do they just drop litter there too?
