Thursday 19 January 2012

This Is Your Captain Speaking...

Such a tragedy, made all the more so because this liner was so close to land yet people have died; been trapped and died.
All the obvious links to the Titanic disaster which happened 100 years ago this April, spring to mind.  Apparently, according to some news reports, in one part of the stricken ship Celine Dion's voice was singing out the theme tune from the film as the ship went down. 
I remember quite a lot of details about the tragedy of the Titanic from the many times I taught 'An Inspector Calls' for GCSE English Literature. But this morning I Googled it again and  found an alphabetical list of all the people who were lost with the ship, nearly 100 years ago. Their names, occupations, cabin class and how much they had paid to be aboard on this fateful maiden voyage of the ship that 'couldn't sink', recorded in a long, long list. It took a long time to scroll through all the names!
So many farmers, grooms, maids......all perished because of human error; a fatal flaw in the ship's design and consequent response to the holing by the ice berg.
And now we see images of the Costa Concordia and read of lives lost, also because of human error. Human pride that made the decision to go off course in order to display the grandeur of this splendid ship at night to the nearby islanders.
And the captains? What of the captains of these vessels? Those charged with the responsibility for the lives of all aboard, both crew and passengers?
It's a fact isn't it, that the captain is the last man to leave a sinking ship? Everyone knows this don't they? I do, and have always understood that this is the way it should be. I grew up with this understanding gleaned from films, is just what happens. If a ship sinks then the captain has the responsibility to stay on board until the last...humbly saluting as he courageously disappears beneath the waves if Hollywood is to be believed. Captain Edward Smith went down with the Titanic.
Captain Francesco Shettino apparently 'fell into' a life boat and then spent many minutes arguing with the coast guard who was so incensed at his dereliction of duty that he threatened to do him a damage!
"This is your captain speaking..." the voice you hear when you're 35,000 feet up and excitedly on your way to Cape Town! He tells you about your progress, the weather in Cape Town and invites you to relax and enjoy the journey. HE is responsible. He has trained for it, is paid for it and IS responsible for getting us up there, getting us over there and landing us safely there. Just so the captain of the ship! Captain - 'chief or leader' as the dictionary simply states. With the title comes much responsibility.
So what can be said in Captain Shettino's favour? Is there anything?
It is one thing to make an error of judgement, to be prideful and to suffer the consequent fall, but not to own up to that responsibility? To lie, to leave those who you are responsible for to sort themselves out, survive or perish without your help! 
It is not for us to pass judgement but it does lead me to wonder...who is the captain of your ship? Who is steering your course and can he/she be relied upon not to 'go off course' into imminent danger? When you have faith in God, a real relationship with God, you have the assurance that God will NEVER go off course. He will never lead you astray. He will always have your best interests at heart as long as you listen to Him and obey what He says. Yes, He does speak to those who have ears to hear and He promises that He is the same today, yesterday and for ever. He is I Am - but that is a whole other blog!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Beverly :-) Shettino did seem inept in the extreme - I'm glad I can totally trust the Captain of my salvation! (Hebrews 2:10)
