Thursday 24 November 2011!

So, I explained the whole situation to Duncan. I have been explaining it all, blow by blow as I have been in conversation with the bin collection people who ironically call themselves 'Customer First'! I showed Duncan yesterday's blog; I waxed lyrical about having to hail the bin men and ask them to wait as I struggled with the recyclable glass, tins and plastic box and bag bringing them from the back of the house to the awaiting bin men at the front! Oh yes, I can wax lyrical and am known for a bit of exaggeration to enhance a good story..... so I was a bit surprised this morning to be asked: "So it's Thursday so I need to bring the bottles round to the front today, do I?" 
I think Duncan could get a job with Customer First, don't you? He'd fit in with the team very well! 


  1. LOL! You're, Duncan is, I bet that Pauline at the council is and I am! Hope you all get an answer when it all changes in December. Yay!

  2. Ha ha, this IS funny indeed :-) And with such a beautifully goofy smile, I can just imagine the moment.....Wish I was a fly on the wall
