Thursday 17 November 2011

Exciting Times.

What exciting times we are living in!
Although Duncan has been poorly and off work we have had a very good week.
Yesterday, we visited Marion, the oldest member of our church. I say 'we' but by that I mean some members of the Women's Group went round to spend part of our time with Marion as she cannot come to us as she is housebound. We had a lovely time and then returned to the church building to continue our teaching on the Fruits of the Spirit. Patience was our subject and as we struggled to relight the gas fire in the cold building we certainly needed to exercise some.
Then we had a visit from Janet and her grandson, Finlay, who is a delight, and he entertained us as we shared a cuppa and discussed Janet's trip to Australia - next Wednesday she flies off to visit her daughters for three months. We shall miss her but are delighted that she has made her decision to obey the call of God and join our church on her return. Tonight we are having a carvery meal to say farewell, au revoir, and there will be nine of us sharing the meal together.
So we are excited as we anticipate the next season and a visit from one of our friends in Cape Town who is flying over to the UK for two weeks at the end of December; we are organising a joint meeting of Halifax and Birmingham Harvester Reformational Churches which will most possibly be on January 1st. 2012! How appropriate would that be!
A Previous Meeting when Janet was teaching Duncan  to  Waltz!
'Don't it make you want to dance?'
Oh yes!


  1. Yes it was a lovely meal and great to spend time with all our friends.We wish Janet a safe journey and know she will enjoy the time spent with her family in Australia.When she returns hopefully Spring will be on the way here and she will have benefited from the warmer weather in Australia,We shall look forward to seeing her again then

  2. Yes, have a great time Janet - we'll miss you!
