Saturday 3 December 2011

Social Interaction!

The written word, or its absence is always open to misinterpretation. One can read so much into what usually is intended as a flippant, off-the-cuff comment.
We have on-going discussions in our house about the boon or the blight that Facebook is in our lives. There are many bonuses to this 'social interaction' site. I have made contact and regularly 'chat' to pupils I taught many years ago and it's wonderful to see how their lives are developing. I am frequently reduced to laughter (LOL!) over some of the postings, quips and jokes people find and re-post in order to brighten the day of their Facebook friends. I can quickly maintain relationships with an occasional on-line chat and this is especially precious when the one you are talking to is on the other side of the world! So there are many good things about Facebook. 
But... yes there is always a but. You do have to be careful to write what you actually mean, careful not to ignore or exclude people from conversation strings or you may risk offense or hurt. Careful to remember what a large audience you may be writing to as you sit in the comfort of your sitting room typing away!
I have, as I said, maintained relationships with former pupils and lived through some incredible life changing experiences with some of these young people, both the exciting and the tragic and I am the better for this. However, I have also been privy to some exploits, some conversations, some language that I fear is none of my business and have had to 'unfriend' myself pretty swiftly. (I did explain and hopefully no offense has been taken!) Their lives are not for me to be a part of.
You can learn a lot about people through their statuses! 
My only real caution is that I feel Facebook 'chats' may take over from the real thing. To actually pick up the phone and actually interact with someone may become a dying art! Moreover, to visit and socially, physically and emotionally interact with your 'friends' will never, never be bettered by interacting on screen. To see the people you care for, to hug them, hold them in your gaze and your arms can never be superseded by on screen activity. Facebook is an addition not a relationship in itself!


  1. I do totally agree Beverly - it is a useful tool but not the be all and end all of social interaction, especially with those you love.SKYPE is a better form of communication but even that is obviously limited and NOTHING CAN REPLACE A BIG HUG!!

  2. Very well put! We can spend so much time on Facebook that we don't actually have time to go out and see people! It is great for rekindling old friendships though - I have just spoken to two people on the phone recently who I haven't been in touch with for years, and it was wonderful to catch up :-)

  3. You have put into words more or less exactly how I am feeling!
    I am guilty of perhaps reading too much into things posted or feeling that "exclusion" you mention.
    I need to find a way to feel that Facebook is once again a good addition to my life and not a nasty habit

  4. Facebook can be a bit of a bully sometimes, and I have, occasionally dubbed it "fistbook" for that exact same reason when people "talk" with potty mouths and write inconsiderate comments, or exclude and show favourtism etc. It is hard sometimes to comprehend the language on there and to understand the meaning of what a person is writing/saying sometimes, but it is true that you can learn a lot about a person's personality by the comments and statuses. But then the other side is, I have laughed so much just by reading some statuses and comments, it's good entertainment sometimes. Some people are so witty and have a sharp sense of humour that I absolutely love. But yes, Facebook is not the real world!

  5. Some people ARE so witty - take your own good husband as a prime example!!! Thanks for commenting, Christa! X
