Wednesday 19 January 2011

The Poet!

Happy New Year to all my followers and apologies that there hasn't been a new post in 2011 - until now!
The postman has just delivered our copy of The North Magazine, which is a celebration issue of 25 years of their published poetry. They have made a selection and have chosen one of Duncan's poems to be included. We were informed that he had a poem in this edition back in December and were both excited and curious as to which poem it would be. I was surprised by their choice - we had both speculated on this - but the chosen one is a very good choice! However, he did write this many years ago; years before he ever knew me I think. He has written more since, and even better poetry and today's post has made me determined to encourage his gift even more.
My husband is a very talented man as well as being, actually, the nicest person I have ever met! I feel I can write this as he is out at the moment and won't be able to stop me from pressing the "Publish Post" button! So, well done, Duncan and just keep on keeping on. I am very proud to be your wife - and not just because you're a published poet but because you are you!


  1. Well Done Duncan, what was the poem called?xx

  2. A delightful opportunity to Acquire!

  3. Well done! Please share some of your poetry with us - all three of us are poetry lovers :-)

  4. I managed to find Duncan's poem online and it's very good. It reminds me of the first house we bought, which was very much like the house in the poem, and yet was described by the agent as 'tastefully decorated to a high standard throughout!' The mind boggles!
