Thursday 20 January 2011


I have been clicking around some of the other buttons on the blog site and came across the "Stats" section. Absolutely fascinating! Do you know that 18 people have looked at my blog today? Incredible! That is very gratifying but also it makes you think about the importance of what you write, as those 'hits' have been from UK, Canada, North America, Europe and South Africa; so my audience is wider that I perhaps expected!
It would be even more exciting if more people would leave comments as I love it when an e mail tells me someone has left a comment for me.
So, many thanks to my faithful readers and I see I have a responsibility to write a fresh message more regularly!
Keep reading!


  1. We tend to forget don't we that it's the World Wide Web, so it isn't just our small corner!

  2. We sure do! Good to hear from you, Barbara!! Thanks X

  3. Your blog is always interesting - long may it continue - love Pamxx
