Friday 28 January 2011

Visit to the Physio.

My frozen shoulder is now well healed and I have excellent movement in it and no pain! When I think of how it hurt when I moved it in the wrong is nothing short of a miracle that I move it freely now.
But...and there is always a but isn't there?!...but, I now have a problem with my left knee which has nothing to do with the problem I have with my "bulging discs" in my lower back! The physio says that he thinks I need to see the doctor and that I need an X-ray! So the problems seem to be jumping about my body like they're in a mad game of hide and seek!
On leaving, I showed the physio my swollen right index finger; the top joint has been giving me pain and is twice the size of my left index finger.
"Oh, that's arthritis!" he said immediately!


  1. Poor're really going through the wars aren't you?Think I've got that in my left shoulder!!!We're wearing out!!!!xxx

  2. Oh NO Bev!! God is in the healing business and I pray and believe that He will heal you!!

    P.S. I have been reading all of your posts as you put them up. Please forgive me for not commenting as much as you would like me to, I know how much you like it when we comment:)

  3. Bless you, Dominique and I receive the healing! Have you checked out our other blog? Harvester Reformational Church Halifax? Click on the link at the bottom or just Google it!!Love to you both from us both XX
