Tuesday 9 November 2010

Farewell Jack!

So we say a fond farewell to Jack Duckworth, and I must confess I did shed a tear! I think his exit was well managed, and seeing Vera return for him wasn't as tacky as it might sound! Or am I just sentimental? Probably. After all I have grown up with the morose signature tune, which hasn't changed over the many years of broadcasting the programme. The tune that sends Duncan running for the cover of the study and a copy of Private Eye! But love it or hate it, Coronation Street, or Corrie,as it is affectionately known, is part of the British way of life - well it is up North!
Jack has mellowed over the years, as I suppose we all do. He took over from Stanley Ogden, well he did in my thinking, as the lovable rogue who was always having to avoid the tongue lashing of his wife. Ah, and could we ever forget Hilda of the permanent rollers? Or the three birds ascending her chimney breast and the DIY serving hatch that grew in proportion as Stanley failed to get the hole straight? And what of Elsie Tanner? Len Fairclough? Jack and Annie Walker, Minnie Cauldwell and of course, Ena Sharples! They, and many more, are part of my growing up.
So I do say a fond farewell to Jack and am pleased he danced his way off the set for a final time in Vera's arms.


  1. I used to watch a long time ago and have fond memories of all the characters you mentioned. Sadly Peter doesn't like it either Duncan, so I stopped watching.However I do understand your feelings Beverly - the characters become part of your life don't they. Love Mum/Pamxx

  2. I felt very teary too as he has mellowed into such a lovable character over the years and I thought it was lovely that Vera made a brief come-back,and I agree,it wasn't tacky.Corrie has been part of my life since I was 12 as I remember watching the very first episode!!!We watch it on the computer here and Chuck,like Duncan,finds something else to do or sometimes just suffers it!!
    The Cobbles won't be the same without him but at least Vera will be happy.:-) xx
