Tuesday 23 November 2010

In the Wars Again!

So I had a "Frozen Shoulder" and it was very, very painful. I had hardly any mobility and I suffered excruciating pain. The physio, Karl with a K, suggested that I needed another steroid injection as the first one had had no effect. The doctor gave me an injection and the effect was almost instantaneous. The pain was vastly reduced and I could move my arm and it no longer woke me in the night if I rolled on it! Fantastic and I was very happy...... until I bent down to put my boots on last Wednesday and suffered the most searing hot pain down my right buttock and into my thigh! I put the other boot on and experienced the same pain. Terrible!
The next day I was in agony, not knowing what to do with myself so I stayed in bed and dosed myself up with Cocodomol. Spaced out or what!
I noticed that my leg was numb and when I went to go upstairs my leg gave way and I fell down in a crumpled heap in the hallway!
The numbness intensified and by Saturday there was no improvement so I rang the "Walk-in Centre" who gave me an emergency number to ring. I was so very impressed with the service. I was asked several questions and told a nurse would phone me within the hour. Ten minutes later Melanie phoned and she was lovely! She asked me lots of questions and led me to do a self examination which, in turn, led to her saying that she wanted me to see a doctor and that someone would call within the hour to tell me where to go and when.
Less than ten minutes later and I had an appointment booked at the hospital for less that an hour's time. The doctor there was very reassuring and he examined me and prescribed stronger painkillers and unsuccessfully attempted to get advice from orthopaedics. He sent me home and said he would check on me later. Sure enough, at about 9.45pm he phoned to see how I was. I saw my doctor on Monday and have been referred to physio again (so look out Karl with a K!)and have even more pain killers!. A trapped sciatic nerve the cause of my pain and numbness. Wonderful, caring service from the NHS! I salute you Calderdale Care!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you can soon get the rest of your problem finally sorted - love Pam/Mum xxx
