Saturday 11 September 2010

Here's Something You Don't See Every Day!

So, picture the scene...Duncan and I in the shade on the terrace beside the pool having our early morning quiet time. Lovely!
I am about to go and make a cup of coffee when Duncan says:"Can I read you something?"
So I sat down again and noticed, on the opposite hillside, a man, a woman and a goat. I was drawn by the bright pink of the woman's dress. As Duncan began to read I was transfixed by the scene before my eyes...they led the goat beneath the tree and they slaughtered it as I looked on, unable to believe what I was seeing.
Duncan read on and eventually I stopped him, not having heard a word and said:"I think I've just seen a woman slaughter a goat!"
Unusually it seemed to be the woman who went in for the kill. We are guessing that she is the head of the family, husband deceased.
The photo shows the said goat being skinned and as I write it is most probably sizzling on a grill.
I know, I eat meat and meat doesn't originate in the sterile pre-packed, cling-filmed, 'polystyrened' packages in Sainsburys but even so...quite an experience, and all before breakfast.
Chris and Phil wanted to live in "Turkey Proper!" I think they are!


  1. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....wonder what's for tea??Bev and Dunc have seen something we haven't experienced even after living here for 5 years!!Can't say I'm sorry to have missed it!! xx

  2. I'm with you Chris if I had to kill an animal I should never eat meat again.When I was a child we fattened a rabbit up for Christmas - one my Uncle Jack had given us for the purpose. A few days before Christmas Dad asked us if we were sure we wanted to kill it and my brother and I said 'yes that was what we had been given it for' So my Dad killed it, skinned it and prepared it for cooking. Then my brother and I said 'We can't EAT OUR RABBIT' So we gave it away to a friend whose family enjoyed it for Christmas dinner !! Love Pam/Mum xx
