Friday 10 September 2010

Duncan Diving!

Phil taught us to dive on our second trip over here and we can still do it. Well, I would be able to if this silly left arm and shoulder would allow me to swim underwater! The year we learnt we had "The Grand Diving Competition" on our last day and Christine was the judge. (Biased!)
We had the best of 3 dives each and the main criteria for perfection was how little we splashed Chris on her sun bed beside the pool! It was a close thing but in the end Duncan won (Fix!) and I was runner up! We both got posh, personalised certificates though, of which we were (and are) inordinately proud!


  1. Duncan is very good at diving now but we do have to top the pool up afterwards :-)

  2. Well done both of you I can't dive, but my brother was very good at it. When I had a frozen shoulder I couldn't swim either - when I tried I just went around in a circle! So I then floated on my back and used my arms more as flippers and that seemed to work. Maybe you would like to give it a go and see if it works for you? Love Pam /Mum xx
