Thursday 26 April 2012

Happy Birthday from Age Concern!

I know that the one thing we, as mortal beings, can be certain of, is that one day we will die. I am also aware that the whole subject of death tends to be rather a taboo subject with us westerners and we prefer to ignore it, hope it will go away and we live as if it is never, ever, going to actually strike us. 
I also have lived through the deaths of both of my parents, both far too premature, particularly my father who died very suddenly at the age of 49, and many close friends who have been 'taken before their time'. I have one friend who tragically lost her 3 month old to meningitis so I am very aware that death is ever present with us as we live our lives. 
BUT...I do think that this communication from Age Concern on the day after my birthday is a bit insensitive! It would appear that my birthday, like Christmas, is having its own 'boxing day' introduced - if you get my drift! I'm not shying away from the inevitable but don't need to be whacked in the face by it on the day after my celebrations!
Duncan's birthday card adds a little balance to this 57 year old's day....


  1. Never mind Beverly you will be around a long while yet. I'm sure God has work for you yet to do, so cheer up and live each day to the full. Love Pam xx

  2. I can just hear the marketing guys at Age Concern saying, "Hey, we could send out our funeral cover letter near to people's birthdays - just the time when they'll be worrying about their advancing years!" Very kind of them!

  3. Well put dear lady, I agree with Duncan's card, maybe send a friendly note to the company that it is just rude to create a boxing day for your birthday without asking your permission first.
