Monday 2 April 2012

They Work!

I have arthritis in my right hip and my left knee and was having to take strong pain killers in order to get sufficient relief at night to enable me to sleep.  
I was taking stronger and stronger pills as they seemed to lose their effect after a couple of weeks of taking them, and the subsequent effects of taking tablets like Tramadol were not good! So when someone recommended that I try Regenovex tablets I thought it was worth a try. The price made me gulp, even when I was told that there was a 3 for 2 offer on at Boots! Shelling out over £40 on something which may or may not work....but when in pain anything is worth a try.
The advice was to take two a day for the first week to get the pills into the system and then reduce to one a day for...ever more!  So I took them and continued taking them for a few months and the pain did reduce and then went almost entirely and didn't prevent me from sleeping so I was very happy except about the money we were having to pay for them. 
So I discussed this with my doctor and said I really thought they should be on prescription. He didn't exactly say that they were nothing more than a placebo but I was certainly left thinking that the pain reduction was nothing more than coincidence and that I may as well come off them, save money and see that it was just the time and rest that had brought about this improvement.
So, I saved the money and came off them and...after a few days the pain was back, pulsing down my leg as soon as I lay down in bed!
I have now bought some more and have been taking two a day for a week and the pain has gone and I can sleep again. Coincidence again? I don't think so.
So, if you suffer from arthritis or joint pain I would recommend you try them and please let me know how you get on...and tell your doctor too. They really ought to be on prescription!


  1. That's great that they are working again :-) I told a work colleague about them and he was really interested as he is suffering terribly with a painful knee - hope he gives them a try!

  2. If they work for you don't knock it but it is a shame you can't get them on prescription. xx Pam
