Sunday 13 May 2012

Before and After!

I wrote some time ago about having to knuckle down and get on with getting this excess weight off! Well...needless to say I failed to resist all the sweet things and other goodies and find myself several months on without a jot lost!
So...what worked before? Rosemary Conley worked before and I lost a lot of weight as I stuck to a low fat diet and also became quite addicted to the exercise routine. So much so, that I knew the 30 minute aerobic exercise routine by heart and didn't need the video but could do it to the music track! I took a recording on cassette to Chris and Phil's in Turkey one year and pounded out the box steps on the patio at 7am before the sun got too powerful! Addicted, as I say. And the pounds did roll off.
I have more to lose this time but every diet has to start somewhere and Janet and I have been 'at it' for nearly two weeks now having enrolled with a Rosemary Conley and Zumba class which we attend on Wednesday evenings. After our first week I got the 'Slimmer of the Week' award and Janet achieved the 'Super Slimmer of the Week' award having lost 5 and 6 pounds respectively! So we have proudly stuck our certificates on our respective fridges and continue on, encouraged and determined.
The question was - do we stick up the 'Before' photos that we were asked to take as added incentive?
 'But they're awful' I kept lamenting - 'Look at the size of me...I'm like Tessie O'Shea's bigger sister!' 
But then we reasoned, well, I reasoned...this is what everyone always sees! This is what I look like! It's only ME that doesn't see it every day, only when I look in the mirror, which I avoid!
So, as you can see in the photo, the certificate is there and so is the sheet of photos and they are a real incentive! I don't want to look like this any more! So 5 pounds gone and 3 this space! the exercise bike!

1 comment:

  1. Well done Beverly keep up the good work and you will soon be your sylph- like self once again. Love Pam xx
