Wednesday 6 April 2011

Who's A Clever Boy, Then?

 The 10 week "Return to Teaching" course in Sale came to an end on Friday and Duncan returned home all geared up for the classroom again, and for our weekend of ministry with Jan and Chantal. He has benefitted from the course in many ways and has met some lovely
people who I am sure he will keep in touch with.
God has provided in so many ways and now, with 3 days teaching that pays the mortgage we can concentrate on the church the other 4 days! That's Harvester Reformational Church, Halifax! We are meeting again tomorrow evening at King Cross Library at 5pm and you will be most welcome; especially if you would have liked to attend the conference last weekend but couldn't as we will be reviewing our experiences and sharing testimony an d photographs; so come along and find out a bit more about us if you like! 5-7pm.


  1. Well done Duncan! on all fronts we are very proud of you - love from Mum and Dad xx

  2. Well done, knew you'd do it! Good timing too :-)
