Monday 11 April 2011

Extortion at it's Worst!

It was a beautiful day yesterday so after church and lunch we decided to drive over the tops and take some photos of the spectacular landscape we live amongst. We ended up in Howarth and decided to have a wander for an hour, so parked in the Changegate Car Park. 


When we arrived we bought a ticket for an hour and prepared to leave when we became aware of quite a gathering of people wandering around and then we noticed that a car had been clamped - no...there was another...and another...In fact there were FIVE clamped cars in the car park! A couple approached us and asked if the BMW above belonged to us. No, and seeing the ticket on the windscreen there was still plenty of time left on the ticket so what possible reason was there for it being clamped? 

The owner returned, having just paid the £90 removal fee, to say that he had been clamped because he wasn't parked precisely in the bay! And you know, there was nothing he could do but pay up! Apparently the car park is notorious - has been on the news and even in The Guardian - Betty Boothroyd has fallen victim to the clamps when she was visiting with her friend and they parked in this car park. She raised questions in The House of Lords, but I suppose it's another loophole in the law.
 He owns the car park so he can do what he likes.
We didn't feel safe leaving the car even though we had paid for a ticket; who knows what rules we may have infringed without realising? What rules he may have made up as we left the park that we had transgressed before we had walked a hundred yards down the road? 

I hope that people will get to know about this car park and refrain from lining the pockets of the disreputable owner who is doing the village of Howarth such a disservice. I can't imagine any of the irate visitors to our region in the car park yesterday would ever want to return and will be warning all their friends to avoid this seat of heritage, the home of the Brontes, like the plague. 

Shame on you Ted Evans. Shame on you.


  1. I agree - that is truly a disgrace and could well do great harm to a beautiful village - we are pleased he didn't catch you and your car but sad for the ones he caught. (He sounds like a Paul Robinson & Yes we watch neighbors!!!) Love Pam xx

  2. I apologise, on behalf of UK citizens, for your encounter with the notorious Ted Evans and his cowboys at the Changegate Car Park, Haworth in Yorkshire - the community are putting pressure on our inactive police to do something about him. I hope that upon any future visits to the UK, you will not encounter such a damaged and selfish individual.

  3. Thank you for your comment and we are very much behind you and agree with your sentiments entirely. I realise the name of my blog may be confusing - Currys in Cape Town began when we were living over there for 3 months and on our return to the UK I just carried on blogging! We do have regular visits from folk in Cape Town, however, and Haworth is a particular favourite place to visit!
