Wednesday 6 April 2011

We were so pleased that so many of our friends managed to attend some, if not all of the weekend of ministry with Jan and Chantal. We were delighted to meet new friends and we are sure we will be seeing them again!
We were also very pleased with both venues and our friends were very impressed with the spectacular views they afforded, especially on Friday night. We had a trip to Colne 'over the tops' on Saturday afternoon so they saw Hebden Bridge, Heptonstall, all the little villages in between and the wonderful and rugged moors which give this part of the world its character.
So the stage was set for an excellent weekend and it surpassed all of our expectations.
The Apostle spoke with clarity and authority, the Prophet bought us confirming words and they both brought us much love and honour. Everyone went away with things to think about and, in some cases, a clearer idea of their calling. We were different at the end of the weekend, changed, moulded a little more into being of the character of Jesus; this had been our prayer before we began and this prayer was answered in a variety of ways.
The worship flowed, the word convicted and explained and the laughter was like medicine and there was so much laughter.
We have recorded each session and will be making copies for all who would like one, just let us know.
God is about His business of reforming His church and we feel honoured that He is using us as His instruments in this area.
Thank you Jan and Chantal, our dear friends. We pray great blessings upon you both, and upon your churches in the Elephants River Valley and we will see you again soon. 

(I have posted photos on both blogs and on Facebook.)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos of lovely people. Thanks for a great weekend - love Pam xx
