Monday 7 February 2011

Week End of Culture!

We had a busy but very enjoyable week end in which we were treated to excellent food and fine entertainment!
On Friday evening we had a lovely meal with Pam and Pete and then went to the preview of the Dewsbury Arts Group at Batley Library. The complimentary glass (well two in our case!) was South African and we spent a pleasant hour with family as Mark, Elizabeth and Esther also came as Mark was exhibiting some photos. Then back for coffee and chat which rounded off a lovely evening.
On Saturday we had been invited to hear the Halifax Young Singers in concert at Carlton URC Church. We had been invited to tea first and were treated to another splendid meal before setting out in the wind and rain for the concert.
Truly excellent! The singing and the solo performances were so very good, as was the overall standard and execution. The music director, Lynn Hudson was, for me, the epitome of a great teacher. The students obviously loved her and were keen to please her but she was firm with them and they were a very well disciplined bunch who obviously enjoyed what they were doing. She had a natural and warm wit and sense of humour which drew everyone in the audience in- those who were old-timers when it came to the Young Singers and knew what was going on, and also those, like us, who were first-timers! What a gift!
So, I salute you, Lynn Hudson. If all teachers were like you there would be far fewer problems in our education system and far fewer incidents of truancy!

1 comment:

  1. It is great to see youngsters so involved with music - long may it be so. Love Pamx
