Thursday 17 February 2011

Answer to Prayer!

It's official, Duncan got the call last night - he has been offered the teaching post and has had great pleasure in accepting. We were very excited about a lot of things yesterday, but then at 7.15pm when we got the call it made a good day perfect.
As you may have read on our church blog (Harvester Church Halifax - link below) Duncan had been spending a lot of time searching, applying and being interviewed for various jobs in the last few months, so in frustration he prayed: "Lord, let me just walk into a job!" and that is exactly what happened! In the natural, things like this don't happen and this job is so what we needed: enough to pay the mortgage but not all-consuming so that we can concentrate a lot of our time and effort on the church God is building in Halifax with us. This is that job!
So, not so many lazy walks along the canal for us! He starts after the half term break, initially for 2 days but possibly becoming 3 if funding allows!
Our other good news is that we are to host Apostle Jan and his wife Chantal who is a prophet, at the beginning of April. We met this wonderful couple when we were in Cape Town so we are very excited that they are coming to minister in our church.
God is so good and has such perfect timing! Well He would have, wouldn't He?!
Do make a date to join us with Jan and Chantal. April 1st-4th but more specific details will follow!
If you're around Halifax this evening you would be very welcome at our meeting in King Cross Library at 5pm until 7pm. Worship, prayer and Bible study! We meet every Thursday in the Library. Sunday meetings are at our house at the moment beginning at 10.30 but that will not be so for much longer. The other good news was related to finding a bigger space to rent for our Sunday meetings. God's on that prayer request too! As I said on Face book - Thank you, Jesus!


  1. Once God starts to work it is like watching a lot of dominoes falling in one of those organised events - one thing happens just after another drops into place. Praise God for all He is doing in our lives - Love Pamxx

  2. YAAAYYYY!!!! Wonderful News, Praise God:)
