Tuesday 7 December 2010

No Comment!

Love it or hate it Face book is an incredible success. Over the past few days people on my "friends" list have joined in a campaign to help prevent violence against children by changing their profile picture to a cartoon character from childhood, thus promoting the happy times and memories these characters conjured up. I don't know HOW this helps against child abuse but was prepared to believe it as it was a very good cause. It was incredible! Every time I logged on to Face book I saw Beryl the Peril, Sponge Bob Square Pants, Bod, Sleeping Beauty.....such a lot of fun and so colourful and yes, it did evoke memories of childhood; in my case Harry's childhood as I was Buzz Lightyear! "To infinity and beyond!!!" That character has memories for both me and Harry.
Now reports are coming in suggesting it was all a paedophile hoax and it was designed to help inter action between children who would be drawn by the cartoonies and the predators. Well, again, I don't know how that would work either. Maybe I am just too gullible. I enjoyed it and as far as I'm concerned, it was innocent.
Another thing I fail to understand, while we are on the subject of Face book, is when you join a 'social inter action' site how can you have a setting that won't allow anyone to "Like" or "Comment" on what you write or post? And why would you want to? Is it because you believe only your voice is worth listening to and no one could add, or even should want to add, anything to your declaration? This is not social inter action is it?
Not many of my "friends" have adopted this setting. Maybe they're just not my friends!

Monday 6 December 2010


I am an unashamed fan of cookery programmes. I watch Nigella, Nigel Slater and Jamie Oliver with great interest and enjoyment; each have a great knowledge of food and what marries with what, each has a very different style. Jamie's 30 Minute meals are excellent and even though it may take me a bit longer than the expert it's still good to get a well cooked, fresh meal in under an hour! Nigel is slower and more ponderous in his delivery and presentation; his recipe books are very well written, his command of the English language drawing all of your senses in as you read. And Nigella? I was caused to think about my enjoyment of Nigella's programmes by someone commenting that she thought Nigella encouraged greed and wrong moral values in her presentation of food.
Mmm! She is certainly unstinting in her delight in butter, olive oil and all things chocolate. Is it immoral? I have thought about it for awhile and I rather think that I will continue to be a fan, despite the fact that I blame her for my increased weight! She enjoys food and she delights in all aspects of it, as indeed do I, but she is also an antidote to the society which increasingly seems to suggest that enjoying food is a sin and we should be concentrating on maintaining a stick-like figure at all costs! Maintain? I have never been stick-like!
Food is to be enjoyed in all its varieties. Yes, we must guard against over indulgence but not banish all expressions of excess. A bit of what you fancy does do you good. I tend to think that the overindulgence is just Nigella's adopted style which has become her "way"! She is a larger than average woman who delights in food and has a rather large appetite. Rather like me!

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Hallelujah Praise, Duncan's 2010 Snowman!

It's becoming a tradition! Last year we had Hudson and this year we have our own praising snowman. December is here and we are in the worst snow that we've had so far and it's still coming down. The study and our bedroom are very dark as the skylights are covered and the whole landscape is a beautiful wonderland - as long as you don't have to venture out. Our next door neighbour is stuck in Bradford and is unsure that she will even get a train home. Danny Lane is impassable so we are stuck! Trapped in our home and I must say I like the feeling. I know I am fortunate that the fridge and freezer are full enough to keep us going for a few weeks and I can always make bread when we run out. We even have a tin of Marvel in the cupboard if the worst comes to the worst! Oh here I go, exaggerating - we can pop to the "Pop-In" our local store up the hill if we need milk!
We are proud to see Harry on Tees TV commenting on the peaceful student protest about fees in Newcastle. He spoke very well, not an 'um' or an 'err' at all. Very articulate for someone who had a microphone thrust in his face as he marched along! (See the link on Face book)
So we are homebound! I may get round to a few more blogs. I may even do one on the state of the butter/butter dish that you will have seen if you are a Face book friend!