Monday 5 March 2012

Tell Me About It!

I think that, of all the common expressions we use in the English language, 'Tell me about it' is the one that infuriates me the most. In fact, the very attitude of 'tell me about it!' in a conversation is guaranteed to make me shut up and curtail the conversation because, in fact it tells you very clearly that the listener does not, in fact, want to know!
I'm sure we've all been in a conversation, when you are answering someone's question, and as you detail some of your trials it's as if they have to 'trump you' and go one better. Well, if you think that's bad listen to this...Their apparently solicitous enquiry about our health and well-being was actually a thinly disguised opener for them to tell you all their problems and woes. That's the main reason, dare I say, only reason for some opening conversational gambits? 
It shows such a lack of respect and interest in the other person to actually say 'tell me about it.' It says you are not interesting in your world, but let me tell you about mine, as there is nothing that you have experienced that is of interest to me because I have been there, done it and yep, I've also got the tee shirt. 
'How are you?'
'Fine, thanks, just a bit tired...'
'Oh I know all about that, I was up at 6, fed the kids, walked the dog................'
(So you don't want to know why I'm a bit tired? Your tiredness so trumps mine, knocks mine into a cocked hat, it is as nothing, in fact, no, now I realise, I am not tired at all.....)
Oh dear, I am going on a bit aren't I? But I think it is so important that we actually listen. When we have a relationship with someone, it's not a competition, it should be a means of showing the other person that we value them, that we are interested in their life, that we love them want to help with their trials and tribulations, even if the only way we can do that is by trying to empathise as we listen as they get things off their chest.
So when you ask, seek to be interested in the reply and not to simply 'go one better'. 

Tell me about it!
I AM! 

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