Sunday 18 March 2012

Comic Potential!

There's nothing like a good laugh to lift the spirits after a hard day and Thursday wasn't an easy day, particularly for Duncan who had had a visit from OFSTED! So we were pleased to have something planned to take our minds off ourselves and lose ourselves in the muse for a few hours.
We had been invited to the play a while ago and, to be perfectly honest, even though we are both big fans of Alan Ayckbourne, we weren't familiar with this play from 1998, and the futuristic theme did nothing to enhance its appeal. Also it was Am. Dram. and we weren't really expecting anything out of the ordinary!
Were we in for a surprise! It was absolutely hilarious and we laughed and we laughed and then we laughed some more! The standard of acting was high and comic timing successfully accomplished by most of the actors (and 'actoids') on stage.
The basic storyline is that the stars of soap TV programmes of the future have pre-programmed robots acting in them rather than people, hence 'actoids', the results of which, with a few malfunctions thrown in here and there is very, very funny. Ayckbourne is a master of the art and this bunch of drama enthusiasts at Dewsbury Arts really did him proud!
I must just add that another dimension to the comedy was added for us by the three elderly ladies sitting behind us, one of whom said very loudly at a quiet moment in the action...
"Oh, this isn't my cup of tea at all, no, not my cup of tea at all....and looking at the programme I don't think the next one is going to be either." 
To which her companion replied: "They have all these good actors and actresses and they waste them on a play like this!" 
Priceless; humour in a different dimension! They didn't appreciate their Comic Potential but we did!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great :-) We must make time to go and see more plays as we always really enjoy it when we do. I've never seen an Alan Ayckbourne play on stage, but I do remember watching a Christmas TV comedy drama that he wrote which was very funny. I can't remember what it was called though!
