Tuesday 18 October 2011

Tuesday, Tuesday!

There's something about Tuesdays! There always has been for me; 
Tuesday has never been my favourite day.
In my teaching career I was invariably on duty on a Tuesday. Wandering the corridors in search of miscreants, just close enough to the staff room to hear the guffaws of laughter and the buzz of chat that I was missing out on! Department meetings were on Tuesday, so Tuesday was also a loooooooooooooong day!
Tuesday - too far away from the weekend - the one just gone and its memory fading, or the one on the horizon - too distant a vista to begin anticipating.
When I went part time, only teaching three days a week, Tuesday was one of my days off, well, actually, as my other day off was split in bits of Monday and Friday, Tuesday was really my only other full day off, but as it was sandwiched between working Monday and Wednesday I never really got the most out of it.
Now, of course Tuesday is all mine! But as Duncan works Tuesday to Thursday in college we don't sleep well on Monday nights - it's like the night before a new term every week after four days away, so I usually burn the midnight oil on Monday night. But I can go back to bed when Duncan has gone! I am so blessed! That's what I did today and got up (second time around) at 11am! So Tuesday can begin in earnest now! 
We do tend to sleep very well on Tuesday night!

1 comment:

  1. A change in your daily pattern often does cause problems sleeping, hopefully it will get better as the term progresses. Also the changes in temperature on a daily basis don't help sleep patterns either!! Perhaps when the days settle down everything will benefit.
