Monday 10 October 2011

Postman, Postman Don't Be Slow......

I have always loved getting post. I think everyone does really. The 'thwack' as the letter box snaps shut and an assortment of envelopes skids across the floor! When I was a child and growing up I remember the anticipation of the postman's arrival, and the disappointment as he passed by on the other side. Truth to tell, we didn't really receive much post, and what did come was usually the brown envelope type which would often alter my parents' mood for the worse once opened, but that never dampened the desire to hear the 'thwack'! Some days, was it Saturdays(?) there were two deliveries, so the anticipation built twice, and the disappointment stung, also twice if nothing was forthcoming.
It's so much worse now! E mails come in at any time of day or night and I can check for mail whenever I want - so the anticipation and consequent disappointment knows no bounds! 
Both snail mail and e mail are often the same though. Even when the 'thwack' is heard, or the 'You have 14 new massages' is read, the disappointment usually follows, as most of it is guaranteed to be junk.
But when that personal letter 'thwacks' or I see that special name in the Inbox, it is still one of the nicest feelings!


  1. I know exactly what you mean as I've had this feeling for the past two weeks waiting for Chris's job letter to come! Some other people heard yesterday so today should be the day :-)

  2. Oh will pray even harder then, Lucy!!! Thanks for the comment! Have been bemoaning the lack of interaction on Facebook!! :-)

  3. I will pray again too Lucy.
    Yes I always go to the post box at the bottom of our garden with a sense of anticipation and feel disappointed when its empty. Don't usually know what I'm expecting but that doesn't stop the feeling that someone might send something.

  4. Oh, that is the best feeling, the one of receiving a letter from a friend! I remember, on our holidays, the smell in the air, the peacefulness of the street and then the dogs barking incessantly. Right then you know it's the postman on his bicycle. I would sit by the window until the postman disappears and run outside. Much to my disappointment sometimes, but it was fun, nonetheless.
