Duncan went up on the wall behind our house and went to war with the ferns that have gone mad up there because of all the rain! It isn't our land, but Dennis who lives behind us, is only too pleased that we tackle it and clear it out occasionally as he can't get down to it very easily!
When we first moved in we were amazed to see that the space just outside our kitchen window was filled with daffodils which came out as a real surprise for us in the spring. We were so touched by this kindness; Dennis and his wife had planted them for us and they had not even met us at that point! Good neighbours eh!
With all the weeds gone (for now!) there is much more light in the kitchen! Lovely. We do live in a lovely house!
Good to see Duncan is getting interested in gardening. It does bring great joy and also great pain as you get as old as us!! Love Pam/Mum xx