Saturday 9 November 2013

                              Remember Me???

I may not have any followers now as I realise that it has been almost a year since my last post. (Mm, as it is 11.11.13 today that is quite a poignant statement...I can almost hear the haunting trumpet calling us to Remember.)
In case anyone is still out there who is interested enough to read on, I will continue as I feel it is always such a cathartic experience to journal important events in one's life.
A change in lifestyle has prompted this blog. I have made the decision to leave Rosemary Conley!
 A decision I made which caused my sister to be flabbergasted! 
After 18 months of full commitment to Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness, attending 6 classes a week and going from this...


To this!

I have left!
Yes, The Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness programme helped me to lose 6 stones and become so much fitter, healthier and happier. It isn't a diet it is a way of life and the word 'diet' will be removed in all of the literature from January as this word has so many negative connotations. It's the most sensible programme and I am still 100% committed but as a consequence of getting so much fitter and wanting to exercise more I have joined the local gym! Well, 5 gyms actually, two of which are brand new and I get full use of all equipment, pools and all classes for a VERY reasonable monthly payment. 
So as a financial consideration too this was the best decision. 
The classes have been wonderful and I have made many very good friends with whom I will remain in contact but the flexibility I now have is so refreshing. Obviously the classes at Rosemary Conley have to be at set times and were usually in the evenings, so, as Duncan arrived home from work, I would be leaving. I had a considerable drive to get to some classes so stayed and did the double class which meant that on one night a week I was getting home close to 10pm and then we would be eating our main meal as I didn't want to eat before exercise.
But now I can go to a choice of 5 gyms which offer different classes at different times. Today, for example, as Duncan was busy writing his sermon for tomorrow I went to a Step class at 11.30 and then popped into the gym for a bit, worked up a great sweat, burnt off the calories and came home refreshed but only having a 5-10 minute drive! I LOVE IT!
We continue to follow the eating plan, low fat and sensible sized portions and I remain totally convinced that there is no better way to shed excess weight. The encouragement you get in class from the instructors and from your friends keeps you going when times are tough - and they are, frequently, as we are a nation that loves to eat! The recipes are really delicious on the plan and are so easy to cook. You don't have to be a super chef, you just have to plan ahead to avoid last minute dashes to the takeaway!
So thank you Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness, thank you Karen and Jill my  inspirational class leaders, you have helped to change my life and I will always be grateful and yes, I will pop into the occasional class and join my 'Sisters in Sweat' (and brothers, of course, Nigel!) and keep up our contact. Take care the words of Karen after her class motivational talk..."let's get some exercise!"

1 comment:

  1. What a super photo that is of you in the blue dress Beverly, When you starting that modeling job? Just see you going down the cat walk! Great well done anyhow Beverly, fantastic!
