Monday 19 November 2012


I went to the doctor's this morning. I was able to book my appointment on line and could choose my time and the surgery I wished to visit (from a choice of 3) and also my preferred doctor. Well, that was the theory, but in actual fact I booked this appointment three weeks ago and had to see a doctor I didn't know as this was the only slot in the following three weeks! I was fortunate that the surgery was the one just up the road which was good as the appointment time was 8.20am!
It is a very small surgery but efficient and with a pharmacy. Today we found that the building had been 'upgraded' and now had an automatic, push button door. There is a problem with this, however, as the pathway to the door is very narrow you can't actually approach 'head-on' as it were, and so as you press the button the door begins to open and then seems to get stuck as you are in its way as it opens outward. I thought it was just my ineptitude but after sitting in the waiting room for ten minutes we noticed that everyone was wrestling with the door. It's fine on exiting but getting in is another story! The other drawback, perhaps an even more disturbing one, is that after the initial wrestle the door gives in and allows you in but then remains WIDE OPEN for what seems like an age, allowing all the cold air in and the warm air out, so we patients sat freezing waiting for our appointments!
So, not really an improvement and as for wheelchair users who are presumably meant to benefit the most from this upgrade...I think they may have to visit one of the other surgeries!

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