Tuesday 16 August 2011

At the Car Wash!

We had a very muddy car when we returned from our holiday. We had been staying at a farm and had a muddy farm track to negotiate every time we went out. With all the rain...much mud! So we decided to have a car wash at Sainsburys. We drove into the new, fully automated structure and obeyed the red flashing light that dictated: "STOP!" Then "REVERSE!" Then "STOP!" again until we were perfectly positioned for the soapy squirt! Duncan turned to me as the machinery sprang into life, and said: 
"Do you remember the car wash in Cape Town?"
Oh yes! We had been blessed with the loan of a car for the first few weeks of our 3 month stay and when we were to return it we thought we'd pop in through the car wash first. We filled up with petrol, also a novel experience as 5 men leapt to our service, filling the petrol tank, checking the oil, checking the tyres, wiping the windscreen.... 
As Duncan paid he asked: "Do you have a car wash?"
 "Oh yes, just round the back!"
So we drove round the back and the same man opened a big, wooden gate for us and showed us where to park. Then, the same man donned apron, filled a bucket and grabbed a sponge, and with the widest of smiles began to give the car a really thorough wash and polish. 
The cost? A few rand. 
The service? Excellent.
So we returned a clean and shiny car with grateful thanks. 
I must confess to feeling a bit uncomfortable as I sat in the car and had it so well washed by a man. It doesn't tweak my conscience when the huge whirling strips of rubber do the job as I sit! I know which I preferred though. Service with a smile always wins out in the end. I like the human touch!


  1. We too have found a car wash establishment near here, where men rush around with buckets and cleaning materials. The price is cheap and it keeps the young men in a job - we don't feel guilty about it - just pleased that they are there to do it.
